Tips for those who have work on the Internet at home
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8 may. 2023

Tips for those who have work on the Internet at home

The home office format - working on the Internet at home - is slowly conquering the world. As the experience of the forced transition of the whole world to “remote work” in 2020 has shown, working at home can lead to a drop in efficiency. Therefore, our tips will come in handy:

  1. Equip your work area. As tempting as the desire to work, lying in bed or sitting on a cozy couch, is, believe me, the desire to relax can be much stronger than the sense of responsibility to deadlines for work tasks.
  2. Establish strict working hours. During these hours, do not be distracted by third-party questions and affairs, such as: chatting with relatives on the phone, surfing social networks, eating, etc.
  3. Socialize, walk, exercise. Working and living in the same space can "inadvertently" turn you into an introvert. And communication "live" is necessary for the mental health of a person. As well as fresh air. Improving blood circulation after exercise affects brain function. Do not deprive it of its resource state.


Another important factor affecting your ability to work is your income level. When it grows, the desire to work "faster, higher, stronger" grows with it. If your work does not give you the opportunity to reach your full potential, take a look at