Non-divisible matrix with 5 positions
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24 nov. 2021

Non-divisible matrix with 5 positions

The non-dividing matrix, as the basis of a marketing strategy, suggests one of the most interesting options for the development of an event for active participants:


Getting into, a new participant takes a leadership position, consistently opening the "door" to the world of passive income with the amount of investments ($1, $10, $30, $90, $270, $810). Those participants who are invited by the first participant fill out the matrix "from top to bottom", inviting new participants already on their own behalf. When the matrix is ​​closed, all its participants receive a reward. Thus, everyone is interested in closing the matrix and getting profit of up to 250% from the invested amount.


The non-divisible matrix with 5 positions is ​​aimed, among other things, at improving the company's reputation and is a sure sign of the long-term nature of the network business.


"Five-positioning" serves as a guarantee of receiving income after minimal movements:


The 1st participant of the matrix needs to invite 2 new participants, for whom it is enough to invite only 1 participant each.


The advantage of cooperation with is that our company invests its own funds in the advertising of the project and distributes the participants who came from such advertising among the already open matrices. And this is the main proof that we are committed to trusting and mutually beneficial work with you.